Saturday, October 30, 2010

Finally some Fall pictures!

I finally had my camera charged AND available at the same time just in time for pumpkin carving. What a blast!

First, though, some Autumn art. We picked up some leaves off the ground outside and then painted and glued. So easy, and so fun.

Can you tell someone is excited to carve pumpkins?!

I told him to reach in for some of the goop...

but he didn't like getting his hands dirty AT ALL, and immediately went to wash them off!

My nickname for him has always been Pumpkin, I don't even know why. It just kind of happened, but it makes this kind of thing even more fun, my Pumpkin with his pumpkins :)

The two of us. Man, are we tight.

And, this has nothing to do with pumpkins, but it is so fucking cute I can't stand it.

Can't wait to see everyone's Halloween pictures! Jeb is so excited to be Captain Hook. I can't wait!


  1. Love the art and the pumpkins! Hope you and your little Captain Hook have a very happy Halloween!

  2. serious fall-time fun! That last photo is beyond darling... In 20 years you will have to pull that out and show his girl friends!!!
